Sunday, November 24, 2013

King of G.R.A.C.E.

Luke 23:33-43
The cross is central to what we believe as Christians.  It is depicted in various places throughout our church and throughout society.  Often we look at the cross as a torture device, as a place where Jesus was crucified.  Yet, the cross is much more than that.  The cross is where Jesus was crowned king.  The cross is a kingly throne of victory.
This weekend we, as a church, celebrate Christ the King.  This is the last weekend of the church year.  The church year does not line up with the calendar year.  Next weekend we will begin a new church year with the season of Advent, which helps us prepare for Christmas.  The church year begins with Advent and ends with Christ the King.  As we celebrate this important day in the church year we hear the text of the crucifixion from the Gospel of Luke.  This text includes two powerful quotations of Jesus and one from the criminal crucified next to him.
On the day of Jesus' crucifixion the king's judgment is clearly spoken and expressed.  Jesus enacts his authority on the cross by saying, "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing."  He says those same words to each of us when we find ourselves in times of making bad decisions and being led into temptation.  Have you ever made a bad decision or been led into temptation?  We lie and cheat.  We take the Lord’s name in vain and worship other gods.  We hurt others with our words and actions.  We covet the things our neighbors have.  We often make bad decisions and are led into temptation.  For those times when we know that we have messed up and for those times we don’t even notice, Jesus says these words to us: "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing."
Jesus is on the cross between two criminals.  One of the criminals being crucified next to him that day, joined the soldiers and religious authorities in their acts of mocking and torture.  The other criminal seemed to recognize Jesus' power.  He said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."  He doesn't ask to be saved or rescued.  He wants to be remembered by Jesus and not forgotten.  We want the same thing.  We want Jesus to remember us, today, tomorrow, and forever.
Without missing a beat, Jesus says to that criminal, "Today you will be with me in paradise."  And he means it.  He exceeds the criminal’s greatest expectations.  To this person who has committed a wrong, a wrong that we do not know, Jesus promises paradise.  Jesus promises mercy to a sinner.  Jesus promises heaven.  Jesus promises resurrection.  Jesus promises new life.  Jesus promises to do more than just remember the criminal.  Jesus promises to the criminal and to each of us a home in paradise, a home with Jesus.
This gospel text drives home two important theological points.  First, is the importance of grace.  You will notice on the screens there is an acrostic for the word "grace" - God's Riches at Christ's Expense.  In Jesus death we are given the greatest gift of grace, a gift of God that is given to us at the expense of Christ's death on the cross.  This is a great way to remember what grace is and what a great gift we have been given through the cross.  Grace that is poured out for you and for me on the cross through the blood of Christ.  Grace that knows no boundaries.  Grace that makes all our wrongs become right.  Grace that covers all.
The gospel lesson also reminds us of how much God has done for us.  It is not about what we do or have done.  It is all about what Christ has already done through his death and resurrection.  We don't need to come to church.  We don't need to pray daily.  We don't need to read the Bible.  We don't need to ask for God's love.  We don't need to help others.  We don't need to feed the hungry.  We don't need to clothe the naked.  We don't need to do anything to receive the grace that God grants to us through the death of God's only son on the cross.  Now, you probably are starting to think I am crazy, but this is the truth.  There is absolutely nothing that we need to do to be with Jesus in paradise.  God, through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, has already done everything that needs to be done.  I am not letting you off the hook though - to go and do nothing.  No, we do everything we do, because of how much God has already done for us.  It is a response to Christ's gift of grace.  Grace is not an “if – then” statement.  If I do this, then Christ will love me, save me, and forgive me.  No, that is not the basis of our faith.  The basis of our faith is a “because – therefore” statement.  Because of what Christ has already done for me, therefore I will praise him, thank him, and help his other children on earth.  It is not about us and these great things.  It is about God, through Christ, and all the great things that have already been done for us.
The heart of the gospel can be found in what God does next, after this story of crucifixion.  God raises Jesus from the dead.  God makes Jesus the King.  God ensures that death does not have the final word.  God makes the promise of resurrection the victor.  God gives Jesus to reign in mercy.
Jesus is a different kind of king.  Jesus is a king that does not conform to the expectations of this world.  Jesus is not a king that is willing to rule from far away, but comes among us to walk with us.  Jesus is a king who will love, embrace, forgive, and redeem everyone.  Jesus is a king who comes to bring a new kingdom, a kingdom that promises paradise.  This, this is our king, Christ the King.  Amen

Sunday, November 10, 2013

YOU are a City on a Hill

Isaiah 58:1-12 & Matthew 5:13-16
Today we look at the second week of our stewardship texts.  Last week we heard “You are the light of the world.”  This week we hear “You are a city on a hill.”  Literally, Jesus is calling us a city on a hill.  He is blessing us and commending us with this line.  He isn’t saying if you do this or that then you will be a city on a hill.  No, we already are a city on a hill.  A city that cannot be hid.
            You have seen those kind of cities before.  Maybe it was as you made your final descent on an airplane.  Or maybe it was while you were driving through an area of flatland and off in the distance you spotted a city lit up in the night sky. 
When I was working at Klein Ranch I remember how we could literally see for miles.  We would point out the neighboring towns, they weren’t cities at all, to the campers.  There is Isabel to the south to the north is McIntosh.  Just a few street lights and we could pick them out from the dark void of the night.  You could pick them out even more on the 4th of July, as their fireworks lit up the night sky.  They were cities that could not be hid.
            In our text today, Jesus is proclaiming that we are like those cities.  Take it as a compliment or a self-esteem booster.  For all the negative put downs we hear in our world, Jesus is giving us a put up!  Psychologists suggest that for every negative put down that elementary children hear they need to hear ten positive compliments to restore their previous sense of self-worth.  So, Jesus gives us an ultimate compliment.  We are cities on a hill.  We are beacons of light that cannot be hid.
            It’s not just a compliment.  It is also a prophecy, a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Children, if referred to as something for long enough, will become what they have been referred to as.  If you call a person bad, unlovable, or shameful for long enough, they will become just that.  If you call them good, dependable, or useful, they will become just that.  Similar to a self-fulfilling prophecy, they become what they are named as.  So, Jesus gives us a superb name.  He calls us cities on a hill.  We are unable to be hidden.  So our challenge is to hear this name as a compliment let the prophecy be fulfilled in us. 
            Julia and Michael experienced living proof of these words of Jesus.  They witnessed people acting as a city on a hill.  Julia and Michael and their two sons lived in New Orleans.  One morning they awoke to the threat of Hurricane Katrina.  They began to prepare their home for the storm and then ultimately decided to evacuate to Julia’s parents’ house in Alabama.  Shortly after the hurricane Michael’s employer was offering temporary employment in Texas.  They left for Texas.  FEMA provided housing at a  local hotel and the boys were enrolled in a Lutheran school.  During this time of transition several people showed the love of Christ with them by providing for their needs.  Upon finding out that they had been relocated because of Hurricane Katrina, the florist gave them flowers, Michael’s employer gave them a car to use, families at the school provided their children with school supplies and clothing, and even school lunches, and a mother at school helped them find an apartment and furniture.  Eventually Michael was offered a permanent job in Texas and they quickly discovered a home they could rent until they could buy.  God provided for them through the work of other people – God provided them with a city on a hill when they needed it most
So, how is it that we are to be as cities on a hill?  How can we use our time, talents, and treasures to serve as a city on a hill that cannot be hid?  South Canyon offers a lot of opportunities for you to share what you have so graciously been given by God.  There are also plenty of other non-profits and other organizations that have ways for you to share your gifts and resources.
Want to support this congregation?  You could make a commitment to return your faith promise card to the church office indicating your intent to offer support, prayer, and financial resources to this congregation.
Want to make a difference?  You could adopt a family for our Christmas Servant Event and ensure that their family is able to celebrate the Christmas holiday with gifts and a well-stocked pantry.  You could also help us in our food drive for the event, by bringing non-perishable food items.
Want to feed the hungry?  You could sign up to help with the meal we serve at the Cornerstone Rescue Mission by bringing a Jell-O salad, bananas, cookies, helping make sandwiches, or helping to serve the meal.
Want to learn?  You could join a small group or attend a Bible study as a way of learning and growing more in your faith.
Like being in the kitchen? You could help with Wednesday night meal prep during the day on Tuesdays and Wednesdays or come help with our Free Lunch program once a month.
Know how to smile?  You could smile at the people you pass by in the grocery store, at the gym, or the ones sitting next to you at church.
Like to teach?  You could offer to teach a Sunday School class or help with our education time on Wednesday night.
Able to notice the small things?  Pay attention to what is happening around you and recognize when others are being a city on a hill to you or to someone else. 
As we share what we have so graciously been given by God: our time, our talents, and our treasures, don’t do it so that others will notice and give you praise.  Like our reading from Isaiah states, “Why do we fast, but you do not see?  Why humble ourselves, but you do not notice?”  No, to be seen is not our purpose.  Our purpose is to “loose the bonds of injustice, … to let the oppressed go free, … to share our bread with the hungry, to bring the homeless poor into our house, when we see the naked, to cover them.”  And in all that we do, not to do good in order to be seen by others, but to do it as a response to what God has already given us.
Let Isaiah’s words direct your daily living.  Be a repairer of the breach.  Be a restorer of streets to live in.  Let Jesus’ compliment soak in.  You are a city on a hill.  Let the prophecy be fulfilled through your words and actions.  Be a city on a hill.  Notice when others are being a city on a hill to you or to others.  And don’t ever let your city be hid.  Amen.