Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lenten Poetry: Day 1

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Normally this blog is for my sermons, but for the season of Lent it is also going to be home to some Lenten poetry. These poems are from the book "Kneeling in Jerusalem" written by Ann Weems. May this poetry nourish and sustain you on your Lenten journey. Blessings on the journey!


Two nights ago I knelt and
took the ashes form the fireplace.
It was some time before I saw evidence
of the smudge of ash upon my face.
I washed it quickly away.

Last night I knelt and took the bread
and dipped it in the cup,
and then I felt the cool smooth
finger of ash upon my forehead,
ashes from last year's palms
saved for this holy time.
I wondered if there might still be
some remnant of Hosanna!
lingering in the ashes.

All evening long I wore the ash,
that holy ash,
and when others saw the smudge,
I wondered if they were inclined
to wipe it clean
or to lean closer
in the hope of hearing
some soft Hosanna!
burning still
in ash
or heart...

--Ann Weems

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