Hebrews 12:1-3
For the past four weeks we have heard about some of the heroes of the Bible. We have been inspired by the faith of Noah, Abraham, Moses, and the Israelites. And tonight we encounter the ultimate hero. We encounter Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.
When I think of pioneers I immediately think of Little House on the Prairie and Laura Ingalls Wilder. This is the story of Laura and her family as they move westward in the late 19th century. I always thought of them as pioneers, being some of the first people to settle on the land in the Midwest. The word pioneer is also translated as author. Jesus, the pioneer. Jesus, the author. Jesus wrote our story of faith. Jesus was the author. He lived so that the story of faith could begin. Not only did Jesus live so that the story of faith could begin, Jesus died so that the story of faith could be made perfect. Jesus, the perfecter. The word perfecter can also be translated as finisher. Jesus, the finisher. Without Jesus’ death and resurrection the story of faith would not be complete.
It is important to remember that Jesus is the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. However, I also think it is important to remember what Jesus did in-between being an author and a finisher. Jesus’ story is not just about his birth to a virgin named Mary and his death on the cross. Jesus did a whole lot in-between those two events. Jesus preached the good news, loved the whole world, released the captives, fed the hungry, spoke out against injustice, healed the sick, and raised the dead. And then he stretched out his arms on the cross in love for all of us.
The poem “The Dash” by Linda Ellis speaks of the in-between part of life this way, “I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of his friend. He referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning…to the end. He noted that first came the date of her birth and spoke of the second with tears, but he said that what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.”
You are also an author. You are the author of your life. Everything we are given, including our lives, is a gift. Life happens without our input, but what we do with it is how we live out the dash, which is a choice. The book of your life depends on how you choose to live your story. So, how will you live the dash? How will your story go? The story of faith has already been written, but the story of your life is up to you. Will you run with perseverance the race set before you? And while you run that race, will you be less quick to anger, show appreciation more, treat each other with respect, and smile a little more? Will you love the world, feed the hungry, pray for the sick, speak out against injustice, preach the good news in word and in deed, and be for others a great cloud of witnesses?
When I think about someone who authored their life story well I think about Lance Armstrong, one of the world’s best cyclists. He was diagnosed with cancer, cancer that had spread to several parts of his body. He immediately declared himself a cancer survivor, not a cancer victim. He beat the disease and now is an advocate for people living with cancer. He is beating the odds and writing a good story with his life. He is running the race with perseverance and being part of a great cloud of witnesses to the rest of the world.
Truly we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses and we are surrounded by the ultimate witness, the hero, the Christ. So let us lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely. Let us run with perseverance. And let us look to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith as we author our own story. Amen.
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